It's My Own Fault, Really

Ok, so if you're here to see a super-cute craft.......Sadly, you'll have to come back later.
This is an: I'm-so-busy-but-don't-wanna-neglect-my-blog post. As well as an: I'm-gonna-complain-a-little-about-how-busy-I-am-but-I-really-brought-it-on-myself post. I love helping out, and sometimes don't realize how many things I've volunteered for...... until it's too late! (like right now)
Anyhoo, I thought I would have a few more weeks before things started to get crazy for the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas season. But, I was gravely mistaken. I'm sitting here thinking of all I have to do in the next few I thought I'd share. Whether you like it or not.
October 7th: The super-cool Fall Festival fundraiser that our school does every year.....It's a blast, but since I now have 2 kiddos in school......and want to help in both classes.......I signed up to help set up the booths for both AND run them for an interval of time during the festivities. Hubby has no sympathy and just smiled and said: "good luck with that!"
But they will both be super-cool!!
October 8th: Huge garage sale that my community does twice a year and draws TONS of crowds!! We have about 6 years worth of crap stuff that still needs to be sorted and priced......and then set up bright & early @7 the morning after the BIG event mentioned above......Goody!
October 11th: My sweet kindergartner's very 1st field trip to the apple orchard near us. I happily volunteered to head up the t-shirt making for over 80 cute kiddos so they can all match and it'll easy to spot them all. I did it for my oldest here.....but only did 1 class of 20-ish. And last year I made shirts for two 1st grade classes of around 40, so I'm a little worried this time......but it looks like the awesome room moms have rallied plenty 'o volunteers so hopefully we can get it done fast!
I need to cut all the vinyl for the apples, the names on the front, annnnnnd the class names for the backs......For 80 kids!!!!!Luckily, it's all iron-on stuff this year.....(don't worry, I'll post it gonna be cool)
October 15th: Super Saturday!!! Yay!! I am heading up the Halloween & Christmas countdown blocks, and need to get all the supplies ready for that......but, on the upside, I also get to chat and have fun without the kids saying "mommy, mommy, mommy" every 3 minutes.
Soooooooo, as you can see.......I'm freaking out a bit right now, but will be able to post soon!! I made some really yummy treats and just need to get hubby to fix the office computer, so I can post them.
We currently have 3 computers!! The PC in our office is on it's last legs, so we got a new one.....but are still transferring all the files/pics/programs/etc.

So, until then, I'm working on all 3......Awesome.
Plus, #3 is waddling around like she has a load in her I better go take care of that. She's so small that we don't want her to fall over from the extra weight.....hee hee ;)

Until next time....Have fun!!

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